The Municipal Corporation of the Town of Fort Erie

Council in Committee Minutes

Council Chambers

The Clerk gave the roll call.

Present: His Worship Mayor Redekop and Councillors Christensen, Dubanow, Flagg, Lewis, McDermott and Noyes

Staff: A. Dilwaria, J. Janzen, C. Patton, K. Walsh and P. Todd.

Mayor Redekop provided a land acknowledgment.

The Clerk gave the roll call.

Present: His Worship Mayor Redekop and Councillors Christensen, Dubanow, Flagg, Lewis, McDermott and Noyes

Staff: A. Dilwaria, J. Janzen, C. Patton, K. Walsh and P. Todd.

Mayor Redekop made the following announcements:

Douglas Park Grand Opening

The Mayor invited Council and members of the public to attend the Grand Opening of Douglas Park on Tuesday May 14, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.

The Councillor resides within the catchment area of notification. 

Owner: 1314566 Ontario Inc. - Agent: Upper Canada Consultants, Ethan Laman - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 6:00 p.m. - Council Chambers, Town Hall. The information report will be available by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 23, 2024.

Re: Youth Arts Showcase and Update - June 6, 2024

The Mayor's Youth Advisory Committee Chair, McKenzie Arts, delivered a presentation highlighting recent committee activities and upcoming plans for the Fort Erie MYAC Youth Talent Showcase event. The event is scheduled for June 6, 2024 and aims to feature youth talents in music and art, alongside informational booths from youth organizations and games for children. Council members expressed support and suggested potential collaborations with other advisory committees to promote intergenerational events.

Item 9.2 Report  IS-03-2024 Consolidated Traffic and Parking By-law 2000-89 Update was removed from the consent agenda to be considered separately. 

  • Recommendation1
    Moved by:Councillor Dubanow

    That: Council approves the Consent Agenda as recommended.


Planning and Development Services (PDS) 2023 Fourth Quarter (September 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023) and Year-End Development-Building-Planning-By-law Status Report

  • That: Council receives Report PDS-27-2024 regarding development, building and by-law statistical reporting for information purposes, and further

    That: Council directs staff to forward a copy of Report PDS-27-2024 to Regional Niagara Planning and Development Services, the District School Board of Niagara and the Niagara Catholic District School Board.


Total Solar Eclipse - Summary Report

  • That: Report FES-02-2024 Total Solar Eclipse Summary Report, be received for information purposes.


Consolidated Traffic and Parking By-law 2000-89 Update

  • Recommendation2
    Moved by:Councillor Christensen

    That: Council receives Report IS-03-2024 Consolidated Traffic and Parking By-laws 2000-89 Update, and further

    That: Council directs staff to prepare the necessary by-law to repeal and replace the existing Consolidated Traffic and Parking By-laws 2000-89, and further

    That: Council approves the Administrative Penalties Respecting the Stopping, Standing and Parking of Vehicles within the Town of Fort Erie updates, and further

    That: Council directs staff to prepare the necessary by-law to repeal and replace the existing Administrative Penalties Respecting the Stopping, Standing and Parking of Vehicles within the Town of Fort Erie.


Chaired by Councillor Christensen.

Re: Official Plan Review (Report PDS-24-2024)

Robert Rappolt, Team Lead & Project Manager for Urban and Community Planning at WSP, provided an update on the Town's 10-year official plan review. He presented key consultation findings, emphasizing priorities such as housing diversity, heritage preservation, economic development, transportation, natural heritage, and agriculture. The consultant outlined the significance of the draft background report in guiding the plan's alignment with provincial and regional policies. Next steps include finalizing the report, drafting the official plan, and conducting additional consultation. The objective is to present a draft plan for adoption by late fall 2024 or winter 2025.



Heritage Property Designation - 5187 Sherkston Road

  • Recommendation3
    Moved by:Mayor Redekop

    That: Report PDS-22-2024 Heritage Property Designation - 5187 Sherkston Road be referred to the Museum and Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee for comments to be returned to Council May 27, 2024. 


Official Plan Review Engagement Summary Report and Background Report

  • Recommendation4
    Moved by:Mayor Redekop

    That: Report PDS-24-2024, Official Plan Review Engagement Summary Report, March 2024 and Background Report, March 2024 be received for information.


Park Naming Proposal for Park on Lakeshore Road between Albert Street and Adelaide Street

  • Recommendation5
    Moved by:Councillor Dubanow

    That: Council approves the proposed name “Snake Hill Parkette” for the neighborhood park located at Lakeshore Road between Albert Street and Adelaide Street; and further

    That: Council direct staff to submit the necessary by-law.


Proposed Draft Plan of Standard Condominium Recommendation Report for 255 Emerick Avenue

  • Recommendation6
    Moved by:Councillor McDermott

    That: Council approves the Draft Plan of Standard Condominium dated November 13, 2023, for the lands known as 255 Emerick Avenue, showing an existing apartment with 35 dwelling units as illustrated in Appendix 2 of Staff Report PDS-26-2024, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. P. 13 and the regulations thereunder, subject to the conditions contained in Appendix 3 of Staff Report PDS-26-2024, and further

    That: Council directs staff to circulate the Conditions of Draft Plan Approval in Appendix 3 of Staff Report PDS-26-2024 to the applicable agencies in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act.


Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Recommendation Report for 1127 Garrison Road

  • Councillor Flagg declared a conflict on this item. (The Councillor resides within the catchment area of notification. ;)
  • Recommendation7
    Moved by:Councillor Lewis

    That: Council approves the amendment to the Town’s Zoning By-law 129-90 as detailed in Report PDS-28-2024 for the lands known as 1127 Garrison Road, and further

    That: Council directs Staff to prepare the necessary by-law.

    Carried, as amended.
  • Amendment:
    Moved by:Mayor Redekop

    That: Staff be directed to include a provision in the Zoning By-law Amendment that would require the owner to apply for a building permit within  three years from approval of the by-law.

  • Amendment:
    Moved by:Mayor Redekop

    That: the site plan for the subject lands be subject to Council approval. 


Chaired by Councillor Lewis.

Chaired by Councillor Flagg.



2023 Development Charges Reserve Fund Status

  • Recommendation8
    Moved by:Councillor Christensen

    That: Council receives Report CS-03-2024 regarding the 2023 Development Charges Reserve Fund Status, for information purposes.

  • Recommendation9
    Moved by:Councillor Lewis

    That: Council does now go into Closed Session at 8:45  p.m. to consider the following:

    13.1 Closed Meeting Minutes - April 22, 2024 

    13.2 Chief Administrative Officer Performance Evaluation

    Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (b) of the Municipal Act, 2001, personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees

  • Recommendation10
    Moved by:Councillor Lewis

    That: Council does now rise and reconvene from closed session at 9:02 p.m. with report:

    13.1 That: Council approves Closed Meeting Minutes - April 22, 2024.

    13.2 That: Staff proceed as directed in closed session. 


Members of Council announced upcoming Boards and Committees meetings from May 14 to May 21, 2024 .

  • Recommendation11
    Moved by:Councillor McDermott

    That: Council Rules of Procedure By-law No. 36-2016 be waived in order to permit the introduction of three notices of motion. 


Councillor McDermott gave notice of motion with respect to the operation of a Refreshment Vehicle at 7 Tait Avenue (Sheridan College and Canadian College of Technology and Trades). 

Returnable May 27, 2024.

Councillor McDermott gave notice of motion with respect to the Urgent Care Health Services.

Returnable May 27, 2024.

Councillor Lewis gave notice of motion with respect to reviewing the inclusion of prescribed timelines within development and building applications. 

Returnable June 24, 2024. 

  • Recommendation12
    Moved by:Councillor Dubanow

    That: Council adjourns Council-in-Committee at 9:08 p.m.

No Item Selected