The Municipal Corporation of the Town of Fort Erie
Council-in-Committee Meeting Agenda

Council Chambers

Owner: 1314566 Ontario Inc. - Agent: Upper Canada Consultants, Ethan Laman - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 6:00 p.m. - Council Chambers, Town Hall. The information report will be available by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 23, 2024.

Re: Youth Arts Showcase and Update - June 6, 2024

  • Recommendation:

    That: Council approves the Consent Agenda as recommended.

Planning and Development Services (PDS) 2023 Fourth Quarter (September 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023) and Year-End Development-Building-Planning-By-law Status Report

  • Recommendation:

    That: Council receives Report PDS-27-2024 regarding development, building and by-law statistical reporting for information purposes, and further

    That: Council directs staff to forward a copy of Report PDS-27-2024 to Regional Niagara Planning and Development Services, the District School Board of Niagara and the Niagara Catholic District School Board.

Consolidated Traffic and Parking By-law 2000-89 Update

  • Recommendation:

    That: Council receives Report IS-03-2024 Consolidated Traffic and Parking By-laws 2000-89 Update, and further

    That: Council directs staff to prepare the necessary by-law to repeal and replace the existing Consolidated Traffic and Parking By-laws 2000-89, and further

    That: Council approves the Administrative Penalties Respecting the Stopping, Standing and Parking of Vehicles within the Town of Fort Erie updates, and further

    That: Council directs staff to prepare the necessary by-law to repeal and replace the existing Administrative Penalties Respecting the Stopping, Standing and Parking of Vehicles within the Town of Fort Erie.

Total Solar Eclipse - Summary Report

  • Recommendation:

    That: Report FES-02-2024 Total Solar Eclipse Summary Report, be received for information purposes.



Heritage Property Designation - 5187 Sherkston Road

(Referred from the April 22, 2024 Regular Council Meeting - Previously Moved by Councillor Dubanow and Seconded by Councillor Lewis)

  • Recommendation:

    That: Council approves the designation of 5187 Sherkston Road as outlined in this report, for architectural, historical and contextual attributes and reasons, under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act; pursuant to the recommendation of the Museum and Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee, and further

    That: Council directs staff to prepare a Designation By-law and provide Notice of Intention to Designate in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act.

Official Plan Review Engagement Summary Report and Background Report

  • Recommendation:

    That: Report PDS-24-2024, Official Plan Review Engagement Summary Report, March 2024 and Background Report, March 2024 be received for information.

Park Naming Proposal for Park on Lakeshore Road between Albert Street and Adelaide Street

  • Recommendation:

    That: Council approves the proposed name “Snake Hill Parkette” for the neighborhood park located at Lakeshore Road between Albert Street and Adelaide Street; and further

    That: Council direct staff to submit the necessary by-law.

Proposed Draft Plan of Standard Condominium Recommendation Report for 255 Emerick Avenue

  • Recommendation:

    That: Council approves the Draft Plan of Standard Condominium dated November 13, 2023, for the lands known as 255 Emerick Avenue, showing an existing apartment with 35 dwelling units as illustrated in Appendix 2 of Staff Report PDS-26-2024, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. P. 13 and the regulations thereunder, subject to the conditions contained in Appendix 3 of Staff Report PDS-26-2024, and further

    That: Council directs staff to circulate the Conditions of Draft Plan Approval in Appendix 3 of Staff Report PDS-26-2024 to the applicable agencies in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act.

Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Recommendation Report for 1127 Garrison Road

  • Councillor Flagg declared a conflict on this item. (Within the catchment area of notification)
  • Recommendation:

    That: Council approves the amendment to the Town’s Zoning By-law 129-90 as detailed in Report PDS-28-2024 for the lands known as 1127 Garrison Road, and further

    That: Council directs Staff to prepare the necessary by-law.



2023 Development Charges Reserve Fund Status

  • Recommendation:

    That: Council receives Report CS-03-2024 regarding the 2023 Development Charges Reserve Fund Status, for information purposes.

Closed Meeting Minutes - April 22, 2024


Chief Administrative Officer Performance Evaluation


Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (b) of the Municipal Act, 2001, personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees

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