The Municipal Corporation of the Town of Fort Erie

Council in Committee Minutes

Council Chambers

Mayor Redekop called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

Mayor Redekop provided a land acknowledgment.

The Clerk gave the roll call.

Present: His Worship Mayor Redekop and Councillors Christensen, Dubanow, Flagg, Lewis, McDermott and Noyes

Staff: A. Dilwaria, J. Janzen, C. McQueen, C. Patton, K. Walsh and P. Todd.

Mayor Redekop made the following announcements:

Parks and Open Space Master Plan - Open Houses

Mayor Redekop announced that an additional notice was added to the agenda under Notice of Upcoming Public Meetings and Open Houses regarding the Open Houses for the Parks and Open Space Master Plan. The dates for the open houses will be Wednesday, March 6, 20224 - 5:00 p.m. at Stevensville Memorial Hall, 2508 Stevensville Road and Thursday, March 7, 2024 - 6:00 p.m. - Leisureplex Banquet Hall, 3 Municipal Centre Drive.

Black History Month and Canada Heritage Week

The Mayor acknowledged that February is Black History month as well Heritage Week in Ontario. The Mayor acknowledged that there will be additional recognition of both of these events at the February 26, 2024 Council meeting and he encouraged residents to participate and to celebrate heritage in all its forms, its diverse traditions and cultural expressions.

Valentine's Day

The Mayor reminded the public that Valentine's Day is this week on February 14, and wished everyone a Happy Valentine's Day. 

Councillor Dubanow declared a pecuniary interest regarding Item 7.1 Open House - Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment - 409 and 423 Walden Boulevard of January 29, 2024, Regular Council Meeting as he is a tenant of the property. 

Wednesday, March 6, 20224 - 5:00 p.m. - Stevensville Memorial Hall, 2508 Stevensville Road (Stevensville, Douglastown and Surrounding Area)

Thursday, March 7, 2024 - 6:00 p.m. - Leisureplex Banquet Hall, 3 Municipal Centre Drive (Old Fort Erie, Crystal Beach and Surrounding Area)

Owner: 2846300 Ontario Inc. - Agent: Upper Canada Consultants (c/o William Heikoop)

Mayor Redekop announced that this portion of the meeting would be devoted to holding the Public Meeting.

Curtis Thompson, Supervisor, Development Approvals, provided a PowerPoint presentation.

William Heikoop, Agent, provided a PowerPoint Presentation.

Mayor Redekop enquired if anyone present wished to speak.

The following individuals provided oral comments:

  • Bruce Kidd, 689 Ridge Road N
  • Marvin Riegle, 780 Ridge Road N
  • Laura Schneider, 668 Ridge Rd N
  • George Parazader, 986 Ridge Road N

The Clerk confirmed that two additional written comments were received:

  • Brodie Mosher, 676 Prospect Point Road North
  • John H. Perham, 3625 Hazel Street

Mayor Redekop declared the Public Meeting closed. 

Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium Information Report for 576 Ridge Road North

  • Recommendation1
    Moved by:Councillor Noyes

    That: Council receives for information purposes, Report PDS-05-2024 regarding a proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium at 576 Ridge Road North.


Council recessed at 7:43 p.m. and returned at 7:52 p.m.

  • Recommendation2
    Moved by:Councillor McDermott

    That: Council approves the Consent Agenda as amended.


Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision Information and Recommendation Report for 315 & 0-350 Garrison Road  

(Deferred from the January 29, 2924 Regular Council Meeting - Previously Moved by Councillor Christensen and Seconded by Councillor Lewis)

  • That: Council approves the Draft Plan of Subdivision for 315 and 0-350 Garrison Road, dated July 10, 2023 and contained in Appendix 2, subject to the conditions contained in Appendix 4 of Report No. PDS-04-2024, and further

    That: Council directs staff to circulate the Conditions of Draft Plan Approval in Appendix 4 of Report No. PDS-04-2024 to the applicable agencies in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act.


Revised Physician Recruitment, Retention and Medical Education Financial Incentive Policy

(Deferred from the January 15, 2024 Council-in-Committee Meeting - Previously Moved by Councillor Dubanow)

  • That: Council approves revised Physician Recruitment, Retention and Medical Education Financial Incentive Policy attached as Appendix 1, and further

    That: Council receives Report CAO-01-2024, attached as Appendix 2, for information purposes, and further

    That: Council directs staff to submit the necessary By-law.


Land Committee Meeting Minutes – January 18, 2024

  • That: Council receives Land Committee Minutes of January 18, 2024, attached as Appendix 1 of Report CAO-02-2024.


Corporate Records and Information Management Program and Policy Update

  • That: Report LLS-01-2024 be received for information; and further

    That: Council direct staff to prepare the necessary by-law to adopt a revised Records Retention By-law.

  • Mayor Redekop gave the chair to Councillor McDermott

    Moved by:Mayor Redekop

    That: Council receives the memorandum from Kelly Walsh regarding the Oakes Park tennis courts; and

    That: Council lifts the hold on proceeding with reconstruction of the tennis courts as part of the 2024 capital projects budget; and

    That: staff notify the Fort Erie Tennis Club that the new agreement with respect to use of the tennis courts going forward will emphasize public use, subject to use by the tennis club for its programs, activities and tournaments.


Chaired by: Councillor Dubanow



Updates to By-law 60-04 – A By-law to Regulate the Destruction, Injury and Harvesting of Trees in the Town of Fort Erie – Recommendation Report

  • Councillor Dubanow gave the chair to Councillor Flagg in order to speak to the report. 

    Moved by:Councillor Lewis

    That: Council approves the amendment to the Town’s Tree By-law 60-04, as amended, as detailed in Report PDS-06-2024, and further

    That: Council directs Staff to submit the necessary By-laws;

    Carried, as amended.
  • Amendment:
    Moved by:Mayor Redekop

    That: The definition of "Tree" or "Trees" be removed and replaced with the following:

    "Tree" or “Trees” means any living species of woody perennial plant, including its root system, which has reached or can reach a height of at least 4.5 meters at physiological maturity, and includes trees referred to in section 3.1 herein.  

  • Amendment:
    Moved by:Mayor Redekop

    That: Section 6(c) be amended to specify that it pertains to the owner of a woodland property.


    Councillor Flagg returned the chair to Councillor Dubanow.

Councillor Noyes requested information regarding the construction of the Crystal Ridge Dog Park and what, if any, improvements should be done.

  • Recommendation5
    Moved by:Councillor Lewis

    That: Council does now go into Closed Session at 9:25 p.m. to consider the following: 

    1. Janaury 29, 2024, Closed Session Minutes - Previous Meeting; and
    2. 477 Ridge Road North pursuant to Section 239 (f) of the Municipal Act, 2001, advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.

Previous Meeting Minutes - January 29, 2024 Closed Session


477 Ridge Road North


Pursuant to Section 239 (f) of the Municipal Act, 2001, advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose

  • Recommendation6
    Moved by:Councillor Lewis

    That: Council does now rise and reconvene from closed session at 9:31 p.m. with report:

    That: Council receives the January 29, 2024, Closed Session Meeting Minutes; and further

    That: Staff and Legal Counsel proceed as directed regarding 477 Ridge Road North. 


Members of Council announced upcoming Boards and Committees meetings from February 13 to  February 21.

  • Recommendation7
    Moved by:Councillor Dubanow

    That: Council adjourns the Council-in-Committee meeting at 9:33 p.m.

No Item Selected